The Utilization of Music in Physical Therapy - Part Two
The Utilization of Music in Physical Therapy -
Part Two
By Mark R. Baldridge, Nuance Crusaders
#relax, #positive, #upbeat, #music
Monday, March 9, 2020
The goal of the therapist
is to apply different techniques to specific goals. With patients that have
hypertonus (increased muscular tension, spasm, tone), the playing of soft songs
with low tone results in a decrease in muscle tone (Vivy 2012). The perfect
example is my composition Giving, with a tempo of 72 Beats Per Minute (BPM) and
lower tones because of the bass melody. However, where you might need to
increase tension more than normal, loud and fast paced music would be more
desirable (Vivy, 2012). The perfect example of a loud and fast-paced song is my
composition "Soon We Will Be Together,” which has a tempo of 174 BPM.
Increased tension occurs, because the patient hears the execution of determined
music, which produces a different stimulus of opposite movement to
the accompanying rhythm
(Vivy, 2012).
To succeed, the therapist
needs to achieve the following goals: learn abilities through music, and
adopting music and activities to the motor or intellectual and emotional
capabilities of the patient (Vivy, 2012). This method could be utilized in
several ways, in either individual or in group settings. The goal is to ensures
the treatment is adapting the music and activities to the motor and intellectual
and emotional capabilities of each patient (Vivy, 2012). What the therapist is
trying to accomplish is, instead of isolation, utilizing therapeutic goals to
enhance social interaction. Can therapy to enhance social interaction be
achieved because of the different taste of adults as opposed to children? It
could be possible that one person's health improves more than another's.
Nuance Crusaders by Mark R. Baldridge,
Vivy Sayury Aquite Agudelo. (June 28, 2012).
Music As a Tool in Physical Therapy. Efisioterapia