The Utilization of Music With Patients with Aphasia: Part One
Utilization of Music With Patients with Aphasia: Part One
Nuance Crusaders by Mark R. Baldridge, #nuance4health,
March 17, 2020
“Aphasia is a disorder that results
from damage to portions of the brain that are responsible for language. Aphasia usually occurs suddenly, often
following a stroke or head injury, but it may also develop slowly, as the
result of a brain tumor or a progressive neurological disease. The disorder
impairs the expression and understanding of language as well as reading and
writing.” (NIH, 2015; Gottfried et. al. 2008).
The problem: As the neural processes
that underline the post-stroke language recovery remain unknown, it has not
been possible to effectively target them using specific therapies” (Gottfried
et. al. 2008). To improve treatment, research has to continue utilizing
functional imaging, mostly positron emission tomography (PET). PET is an
imaging test (or scan) that helps reveal how tissues and organs are functioning
(Mayo Clinic). As a result, treatment is impaired; the therapist can either emphasize
the preserved language on the left hemisphere or the right hemisphere to
compensate for the loss of the language network (Gottfried et. al. 2008).
To overcome this obstacle, the
therapist can utilize a treatment that is able to engage both hemispheres,
Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT). This is an accepted practice that “uses the
musical elements of speech (melody & rhythm) to improve expressive language
by capitalizing on preserved function (singing) and engaging language-capable
regions in the undamaged right hemisphere” (Norton Et. Al., 2009). In this
treatment, the patient can indicate either pitch variation or rhythmic features
while tapping with the left hand on each syllable. In terms of my compositions,
one that could be applicable for this treatment is Brazilian Fantasy, because
the composition consists of both rhythm and lyrics. The lyrics, written by
Andrea Litzenberger, are important because they are positive and upbeat.
Crusaders by Mark R. Baldridge,
Schlaug, Sarah Marchina, and Andrea Norton. From Singing to Speaking: Why
Singing May Lead to Recovery of Expressive Language Function in Patients with
Broca’s Aphasia, NIH public Access. Music Percept. 2008. April 1;25(4):
315-323. doi:10,1525/MP.2008:25,4,315
Clinic. Positrom emission tomography scan.
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