The Utilization of Music With Patients with Aphasia: Part Two
The Utilization of Music With Patients with Aphasia: Part Two By Mark R. Baldridge, Nuance Crusaders #nuance4health, Sunday, March 29, 2020 To understand how music influences the health of patients with Aphasia, Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) could be utilized as a tool. MIT is beneficial because of its inherent sustained vocalization and tapping with the left hand (Gottfried et. al. 2008). In such cases my composition Brazilian Fantasy (lyrics by Andrea Litzenberger) could be utilized for both tapping and vocalization treatment . There are four types of techniques utilized in MIT: Reduction in Speed (words articulated at a slower rate than in speaking); Syllable lengthening, (provides the opportunity to distinguish the individual phonemes that together form words and phrases); Syllable “Chunking” (deals with intonation, change in pitch, and may help group sy...